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E-mail communication   E-mail communication, its limitations and the lack of research As an international exchange student, I have to rely on email communication with my professors in Germany a lot. But not always being able to bring the message across and conveying the right information that I want to, is one of the problems I have to face on a daily basis which made me interested in the limitations on email communications in organizations. As I was full of hopes to find out about certain topics that caught my interest, such as gender bias, racism and emotional reaction towards nonverbal communication, I was harshly disappointed by the reality, that there was hardly any research done about those topics. As much as there was research about language, how it change s and develops, how new words come forward and old words vanish, how too specific language can be as hindersome as too less information in nonverbal communication, as little research had been done about mor
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The Secret to a Successful Employee Wellness Program

You’re walking down the hallway toward your office and you see a poster from your company challenging you to make a New Year’s resolution to get in 10,000 steps per day for a fitter you. Does this sound familiar? If so, you’re not alone. Employers all over the United States offer Employee Wellness Programs. However, participation remains low even as the prevalence of chronic diseases, like heart disease, are increasing. 6 in 10 adults in the U.S. have a chronic disease and 4 in 10 adults in the U.S. have two or more chronic diseases . So, why does participation remain low in wellness programs if these troubling statistics keep rising?      Well, there are a few barriers that organizations seem to constantly run in to and often are unable to move past. 1.      Inconvenient locations - Do you have to go to another location for classes on wellness or to workout?   2.      Time constraints - Are you able to go to the gym during your lunch break? Are t